Brazilian Jiuijitsu MMA Karate Kickboxing Escrima Fitness Personal Training

Raul Castillo Martial Arts offers Martial Arts and Fitness for all ages and levels. We specialize in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and Boxing. Our instructors are current competitors and experts in the techniques and the Martial Arts lifestyle.
Stop by to discuss your fitness goals or to try one of our free introductory classes. You don't have to be a competitor to train here, but if you train where the champions train, you might discover more about yourself than you ever knew existed.
Encouraging students of all sizes and ages to participate, BJJ applies the principles of balance and leverage for self-defense. It uses an attacker’s energy against them rather than directly opposing it. BJJ utilizes all forms of grappling techniques including throwing, joint locks, holds, striking, and kicking.
Karate means ‘The way of the empty hand’. It is an ancient Japanese art of self defense. Here we practice Kami-Do-Ryu, a traditional form of Karate developed to include the use of weapons. Students learn a tradition of self defense and discipline used for thousands of years as we unravel the vast array techniques Karate has to offer.
This class uses mitt and bag work and sparring to teach footwork and combinations to develop strength and agility. With our safe instruction, you will be provided with the skills and techniques required for the competitive sport of boxing. This class will also include elements of kickboxing.
Personal training, Group Fitness, TRX, Cardio Kickboxing, Circuit Training, HIIT, and more. Come in to find out your individual training options. We offer the most comprehensive fitness programs on the coast and are excited about meeting your specific training needs.
A traditional form of self defense incorporating the combined techniques of South East Asian Martial Arts. Known mostly as the National Martial Arts of the Philippines, Escrima is a weapons based art that teaches us how to use almost any implement at hand to defend ourselves and our loved ones.
Schedule by appointment: Contact 650-479-4787
RCMA camps are a great way to keep your kids active, healthy, and having fun during school breaks. We focus on skills in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Karate, self defense, wrestling, and boxing. No prior experience necessary. Stranger danger, martial arts discipline, humility, respect, and the importance of healthy lifestyles will also be emphasized. Other activities may include jumpy house, obstacle courses, Nerf, board games, weapons training, board breaking, relay races, ninja ball, walking field trips, organized games and free play.

RCMA dojo is a fun and exciting place to book your child's next birthday party. In our spacious indoor facility, we provide jumpy houses, Nerf, extra mat space for other games and activities, music, and Raul Castillo, who will keep the kids safe and having fun.
Time: Friday evenings and Saturdays afternoons and evenings. (weekday parties are available upon request as well)
Duration: 2 hrs with 30 min prior and post setup/clean up
Cost: $450 members/$500 non-members (deposit of $100 upon booking)
Age: All ages
Invitation Limit: 30 kids maximum; additional $65 over 31-40 kids (40 kid max limit)
We provide tables and chairs for any food and drinks you’d like to bring. We do not provide food, drinks (including water), decorations or cutlery. Piñatas are welcome; we have rope and weapons if needed.
For more information or to book email raulcastillomartialarts@gmail.com
Power of She
A program designed to empower the next generation of warrior women through the way of fitness &
-Strength training (Weight lifting,
-kickboxing, push/pull elements, emphasison proper form, total body power)
-Cardio circuit (High intensity intervaltraining, core burners, sprints)
-Confidence skills (Working with affirmations)
-Discussions on how nutrition can have a profound impact on how we perform
-Breath work introduction (How athletes can use pranayama as their secret weapon)
-Rest & recovery regimen (So you can always crush each goal)